How to Give Up Smoking

If anyone had the definitive answer to this, then nearly no one would be smoking any more. Most people who are smoking want to give up and many have tried and failed. This does not sound like a positive start, but it is worth learning from this who have failed, perhaps yourself among them to see what you can do to make it successful for you this time.

One of the most important things is to have a good reason why you want to give up. Write that reason down and stick it somewhere that you can see every time you think about smoking, this might be on your purse for example, when you go to pay for the cigarettes.

It is good to have professional help. You can get this from your GP. They will talk you through all of the options available as having some patches, gum or other similar products does seem to help many people and they will be able to give you those and explain how to safely use them.

Having support from family and friends will also help and they might remind you not to smoke, when you are tempted or maybe even forget that you shouldn’t be. So tell people, unless you are worried that they may not support you in your decision.

Giving in to temptation can be extremely difficult. It is good to have some tools to turn to in case this happens. Maybe someone to phone, some nicotine gum or just something else to do to distract you. There are many things that you can try, just find one that you think will work for you.

Take each day as it comes and make sure that you reward yourself for your achievement. Perhaps use the money you have saved from not buying cigarettes to buy yourself a present.

You will need to work hard at it, but it will be worthwhile when you feel healthier, save money and have a longer future to look forward to, where you will have a better quality of life.

How To Lose Weight

It is actually pretty easy to lose weight, if you are in the right frame of mind. Most people know about calories and exercise and eating and that if they cut down what they are eating or have lower fat, lower sugar foods, they can lose wieght. However, wieght loss is much more than this. What is hard is not losing weight, but losing weight for a sustained period of time and then keeping it off.

A key thing to do is to write down what is motivating you to lose that wieght. It could be a health scare, a nasty comment, vanity, because you cannot do something you want to achieve. There are all sorts of reasons why you could want to lose weight. Once you have established the reason, write it down and stick it in a prominent place. Put it in a place where you know you will read it, when you need help with sticking to a healthy eating plan, know where it is and be able to look at it for inspiration.

Sometimes with weight loss it is as if someone suddenly switches a switch and we feel motivated. This is the time to note down what it was that motivated us. Do the same thing when you get demotivated and you might be able to put together a picture of what you can use to help you stay motivated.

It is also extremely important to make sure that you see the change in eating habits as a life time change. Do not think that once you lose the wieght, you will be able to go back to your old ways. This is a big pitfall of many people and they will put the wieght they lost back on and more besides, because they go back to their old ways.

Research has shown that exercise can help maintain weight loss and so this is worth considering too.

How to Get Fit

Getting fit may seem simple to those first starting out. pay for gym membership and that will do it. However, it is never as easy as that.

Paying for the gym membership is the easy bit. Getting motivated to actually go there is another matter altogether. It can be a good idea to actually consider whether it is worth getting a  gym membership in the first place. It could be much better to do something else entirely.

Start by thinking about when you will have time to exercise. It could be early in the morning. last thing at night or in your lunch hour. Then think about whether it is practical for you to visit a gym at that time, you could have children that need looking after, not enough time to travel anywhere, not enough motivation to leave the house.

It may be more practical to plan exercise which does not involve leaving the house. Many of us get put off going out for a jog if it is raining, going to the gym if it is cold or use any excuse not to exercise. So make it as easy as you can not to have an excuse. Make sure that you plan alternatives to certain exercises, so that you have no excuse not to do any. Plan a routine so that you always exercise at the same time each day and make sure that you keep thinking about the benefits of keeping fit, to encourage yourself to keep going.

The most important thing is to make sure that you have fun. Exercising can be difficult because it is hard work, but finding something to do, that you enjoy, will make sure that you continue to do it, once the initial novelty wears off.